
4 Tips For Staying Motivated in The Summer

Do you feel the summertime sadness? Are you having a hard time getting motivated to get to the gym or to get motivated to work out? If so, Dr. Jenni Bruning Brown, owner of Fly | A Fitness Revolution, suggests these tips for getting and staying motivated during the heat and slow pace of summer.

  1. Bring on the tunes. A killer playlist will not only boost your performance but it will help you work out longer and harder.  Bruning Brown says that there is ample research about music showing that if you listen to music that pumps you up or inspires you while working out, your workouts will be more enjoyable and will last longer. Not only that, you will work harder and at a higher intensity. It’s a win, win!
  2. Do it for more than your looks.There are so many reasons to work out that getting a great body shouldn’t be your main focus.  Brown encourages  you to remember how you feel when working out, asking “do you feel stronger, more confident?” Remember that you’ll feel healthier sweating it out and accomplishing new goals Not only that,  exercise boosts your memory, sleep and can fight off depression and boost your mood.
  3. Find a friend or fitness posse. Staying motivated to work out at home or alone can be almost impossible sometimes.  Finding a posse or friend to meet up with for a workout make it difficult to skip out, and way more fun.  Maybe try out some fun new classes and make it a social event.  That way, instead of dreading your sweat sesh, you’ll look forward to the next lunge and coffee date!
  4. Keep the negative self-talk turned off.  Bruning Brown says that all too often, “we kick ourselves for feeling sluggish, not in the shape we want to be in, or for having missed workouts.”  She says it’s important to give yourself some slack, and to just “get back on the horse” rather than beating yourself up because the negative talk only serves to keep us feeling bad and unmotivated to get back to class.

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