

Exercising is important, but food choices make a huge difference in your energy levels, weight loss and overall stamina. Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist, Alyssa Farmer, says food consumption can be as much as 85% effective towards total energy level, weight loss and management, and overall well-being with the remaining 15% coming from how you exercise. Thinking about your 2017 goals is a good time to get clear about how and what you eat. Here are Fly nutrition consultant Alyssa Farmer’s top 3 tips for eating healthy in the New Year.

Drink more water:

The Dietary Reference Intake (DRI) varies for individuals based on body size, physical activity, and environmental conditions. The DRI for men is 130 oz. (16 cups) per day, and 95 oz. (12 cups) for women. It is recommended that active individuals drink 14-22 oz. of water 2-3 hours before exercise. During exercise, you should consume 6-12 oz. every 15- 20 minutes based on the intensity of the exercise. YES! You should drink water during your Flyride, Flyhigh and Flyfire classes about halfway through if you are

working out at a high intensity! After exercise you need 16-24 oz. for every pound lost during exercise. If drinking water is hard for you, start by getting at least 64 oz. (8 cups) per day with 20% coming from food and the other 80% from beverages. Add a piece of fruit for some infused natural flavor to get a more tasteful sip!

Limit sugar and salt:

The Recommended Dietary Amount (RDA) for sodium is no more than 2,300mg/day (equivalent to about 1 teaspoon of salt). Sodium is vital for regulating heart muscle contractions, blood pressure volume, and is needed to balance fluid in the body. Too much sodium can lead to high blood pressure, strokes, heart and kidney disease. Read food labels to help you stay on track and aim for each serving to contain less than 140 mg or less than 500 mg per meal.

Added sugar and natural sugar are two very different things. Added sugars are those added to foods that provide no nutritional value and provide empty calories. Natural sugars are found in healthy foods such as fruit that contain water, fiber, and other nutrients. The most common added sugar is high fructose corn syrup. Unfortunately there is no RDA or DRI for sugar, however, the American Heart Association recommends men eat no more than 150 calories (36g) per day from sugar, and women 100 calories (25g) per day. These values can vary for those with diabetes and other diseases.

Avoid packaged and canned foods: It’s important to eat fresh (whole foods) whenever you can.

Packaged and canned foods contain larger amounts of sodium, preservatives, and additives. One packaged meal can contain up to as much as 60% of the RDA of sodium- yikes! Many studies have indicated the health advantages of eating whole foods, such as whole foods contain more vitamins and minerals, phytochemicals (powerful nutrient found in plants), fiber, healthy fats and the combination of whole plant foods can act synergistically to protect us from disease. Buy in season whole foods to save some dimes!

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