
Fly Rockstars! They EARNED their Wings

Not only did these amazing people attend 20 classes in 30 days, they did it with strength and positivity!! We are so proud of all of you Fly rockstars!! You are so, super FLY!!! Way to go!!!!!!!!!!! (your shirts are ready for you to pick up at the studio!)

Ali Burtch
Mary Jane Bruce
Karlee Christensen
Hannah Demaro
Tsylor Demaro
Jessica De Silva
Stephanie Fairbanks
Mercedes Fischer
Abby Freeman
Megan Freese
Sarah Haskell
Cassie Hedlund
Alex Hergenrader
Kaci Hixson
Frannie Hollinger
Alyssa Huber
Erica Jensen
Lindsay Johnston
Cami Jones
Michelle Jenkins
Kathleen Loach
Kerry Massey
Alyssa McClintock
Shelli McClintock
Claire McDermott
Jessica McEwen
Emma McKillip
Hannah Newberry
Jordyn Nikkila
Samantha Norman
Laine Norton
Kelly Oko
Jessie Patterson
Lisa Pedersen
Gibby Ryan
Jessica Rae Versaw
Taylor Schelstraete
Anna Schott
Carly Sheppard
Jackie Somer
Sydney Taylor
Sarah Winchell
Yangjie Zhang


Lauren Bruning
Sofia Ciotti
Dana Norris
Kendra Pearson

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