Maximize Your Ride

Whether it’s your first time in the saddle or you’ve been taking indoor cycling classes since the first stationary bike was invented, there are several important ways you can enhance your ride. “Much of indoor cycling, and working out in general, is about progression,” says New York City celebrity trainer Ella Kay. “Each rider has potential to grow stronger and avoid plateauing by focusing on form, style, and even headspace. Doing so will result in feeling like a rockstar and looking like a pro.” We agree, it’s possible to both have a blast on the bike and get top-notch results. Here, Kay shares her tips on how to maximize your ride time clipped-in:
  1. Set A Target. “Take time to set an intention during warm-up. Some days, you may want to hit every pedal stroke to the beat of each song. Other days, you may opt to focus on form and breath. Mix it up and don’t be afraid to try it again next ride if you didn’t nail it the first time.”
  2. Perfect Your Positioning. “Form and technique are wildly important. First, ensure your bike set-up is proper and personalized to your body and skill level. Then, strive to position yourself with a supported spine and shoulder girdle, proper neutral hip placement, the appropriate angle at the knee and hip joints, and a relaxed wrist and hand grip.”
  3. Trust Your Trainer. “Training in a group environment can be intimidating. Focus your eyes and ears on the instructor podium and tune out distractions. Tapping into your trainer’s energy will boost your own energy levels and keep you on the road to the finish line.”
  4. Surrender to Intense Moments. “How many times have you been in the most challenging point of your workout and given up? It happens to everyone. Teach yourself to toughen up in the intense moments— they’re when you have the most power and opportunity to change your body. Do this every time and you’ll never stop growing mentally and physically.”
  5. Enjoy the Music. “The beats are there for a reason! Don’t be afraid to let go and enjoy the music during your ride. I design each ride’s playlist down to the pedal stroke. Not only will you be more productive, you will also have a lot more fun.”
In a 45 minute session, you have the potential to burn over 650 calories. Dedicating yourself to each ride deserves major kudos. “Find a studio and instructor that isn’t afraid to push you in the right direction with helpful corrections and a little extra personal attention”, says Kay. By giving yourself time to integrate these tips into your rides, you’ll be on your way to your happiest, safest, and most efficient cycling self.

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