

Front desk worker turned studio director! I have been with Fly Fargo from the start and stepped into management and instructing in January of 2020. I’m a wife, mom to 4 kids, & “mimi” to 3 grand babies. 3 of my kids work at fly!

How you came to fly?

I started at Fly working the front desk! My daughter Hannah had just become an instructor at this new studio and I wanted to be a part of it any way that I could! I was asked to be the studio director 3 months later. I took a leap and left my job as a social worker to try something completely out of my comfort zone. I love everything about Fly and believe so completely in the vision to build a strong community through fitness.

Favorite Artist

Big Justin Bieber fan

Go-To Karaoke Song

Summer of ’69

Celebrity Who Embodies your Inner Rockstar


Favorite Vacation

Exploring Boston

Favorite Dance Move on the Bike


Guilty Pleasure

Smart Sweets sweet fish

Redefining fitness–to empower you to reach your strongest self. Redefining fitness–to empower you to reach your strongest self.
Redefining fitness–to empower you to reach your strongest self. Redefining fitness–to empower you to reach your strongest self.

Michelle’s classes

Strengthen Fly Fitness

Strengthen – Weights & HIIT

Meet Michelle in

Fargo – Osgood

4674 40th Avenue South
Fargo, ND 58104
(701) 970-2132

Fargo – Downtown

235 Roberts Street North
Fargo, ND 58102
(701) 532-1368