The latest from our fly community


Instructor Spotlight: On Being “Naturally Athletically Gifted”

Why Leading Makes You Better

Why Numbers Don’t Add Up

Building Confidence & Mental Toughness: Your action plan

The Power of Routines for Progress

No-Equipment HIIT Workout

Fly Fargo

Cross Training Tips to Boost Your Performance

Fly Fitness Blog

Why You Should Be Doing HIIT

Personal Trainer

23 Ideas for Positive Habits

Fly Fitness Franchise

Spring Resolutions – How to Make & Reach Them

The Science Behind Your Endorphin High

Fly Fitness Franchise

What Makes You an Athlete?

Redefining fitness–to empower you to reach your strongest self. Redefining fitness–to empower you to reach your strongest self.
Redefining fitness–to empower you to reach your strongest self. Redefining fitness–to empower you to reach your strongest self.