The latest from our fly community


SUPERFLY challenge

4 Tips For Staying Motivated in The Summer

Maximizing Your Cycling Class

Mini Home HIIT Workout

Foam Rolling 101

20 Minute Treadmill Routine to Boost Cardio


Fly Into Spring Prize Winners + Class Rockstars

Cycling Training: Master Trainer

How to Get the Most out of your Cycling Class

Breaking it down: What is our FlyHigh class?

Breaking It Down: What Is our FlyFire Class?

Fly Rockstars! They EARNED their Wings

Redefining fitness–to empower you to reach your strongest self. Redefining fitness–to empower you to reach your strongest self.
Redefining fitness–to empower you to reach your strongest self. Redefining fitness–to empower you to reach your strongest self.